Editing or proofreading – we will take another look.
“We have a document here that needs a quick once-over. Could you take another look at it?”
This is a typical request of our customers. “Yes, of course, pleased to!” is usually our answer. It is at this point that opinions start to differ: After reviewing the document submitted, it becomes clear whether it merely needs to be proofread or whether editing is advisable.
What is the difference between editing and proofreading?
Proofreading involves reviewing your document purely for accuracy in form.
And this is where it starts: percent or per cent?
Spelling, grammar, punctuation and typography in the respective language (such as punctuation marks and special characters, i.e. the ñ or the ¿ in Spanish, consideration of the space character before certain punctuation marks ! in French and the correct typography for diacritic marks in the different languages, etc.) are checked by our proofreaders. Proofreading means nothing other than your document basically remains unchanged. We put commas where they should be, pay attention to the use of s and z in certain words for our American and British clients, set hyphens correctly in your layout, as well as correct spelling and typing errors, of course. More or less a job about form.
Not so with editing.
Your document is corrected as described above under proofreading. Although everything is correct in terms of form, when you read it you still have the feeling something is not there … Your brochure, your marketing content, your website, your PR message doesn’t read as fluently and effectively as you would like it to? Stylistic fine-tuning is now called for – but we call it editing. We put your content under the microscope.
What can you expect from eurolanguage when we edit your content:
Style – Your content is coherent, consistent and appropriate for the audience in question.
Consistency – Your content conveys a common linguistic thread throughout
Intelligibility – Your content conveys the message you wish to communicate to your readers clearly and concisely.
“Please take another look at it.” What at first sounds like a fast and simple once-over often turns into ‘stylistic fine-tuning’. But fortunately for you, in keeping with our credo we do not simply return a document after proofreading and think well, that’s that then. If we think your content needs to be edited more extensively, we will tell you that. Honest dedication – in all we do. For your success – no more and no less.
We charge for our proofreading and editing services by the hour, rather than according to words or keystrokes. This is because not all documents are of the same quality. In some documents many amendments are necessary and in others only a few. Sometimes they start excellently and then passages written when the author was tired or exhausted follow and mistakes have crept in. The actual work involved only becomes evident in the course of the review. We believe that an hourly rate forms the fairest basis for calculation.
When we have finished we provide you with two versions, of course:
This allows you to see exactly what we have changed.
The language professionals at eurolanguage complete your proofreading and editing assignments with speed and imagination.
We look at the subject of editing and proofreading scientific papers in more detail in our blog.
Give us a call on +43 (0) 676 5625257
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